خداوند ـ تبارک و تعالی ـ، شخصی را دوست دارد که در میان جمعیّت، بی آن که هرزه درایی کند و ناسزایی گوید، شوخ باشد، با تفکّرش تنها شود، با عبرت ها خلوت گزیند، و با نماز، شب زنده داری کند . [امام باقر علیه السلام]
لوگوی وبلاگ

نویسندگان وبلاگ -گروهی
لینک دلخواه نویسنده

دسته بندی موضوعی یادداشتها

صفحات اختصاصی
آمار و اطلاعات

بازدید امروز :42
بازدید دیروز :39
کل بازدید :358102
تعداد کل یاداشته ها : 1567
10:59 ص


Common synonyms




Physical properties

Form: silvery-white soft metal, readily tarnishing in air
Stability: Stable, but very reactive
Melting point: 98 C
Boiling point: 881 C
Specific gravity: 0.97

Principal hazards

Sodium reacts very vigorously with water, floating on its surface and forming hydrogen, which is highly flammable. Sufficient heat is released when sodium reacts with water that the hydrogen will normally be ignited and the sodium will melt. It is possible for liquid sodium in contact with water to react in a "fire-cracker" fashion, suddenly ejecting small droplets of molten sodium into the surroundings.
Sodium can cause serious permanent damage if it gets into the eyes, since it reacts with the liquid present to generate concentrated
sodium hydroxide, which is very destructive in the eyes.
Sodium reacts with moisture in the air and tarnishes quickly. While it is safe to cut it with a knife in the open laboratory (with care!) sodium should always be stored under a protective material, normally an unreactive oil.

Safe handling

Always wear safety glasses when working with sodium. If cutting solid sodium, remove any protective oil and cut the solid cleanly with a knife. Return all traces of sodium to the storage vessel - any small pieces of sodium left on the bench will react with moisture in the air to form sodium hydroxide which is very corrosive. If you have never cut sodium before, ask for advice before proceeding.


Eye contact: Immediately flush the eye with water and continue for ten minutes. Call for medical help - sodium can cause serious eye damage.
Skin contact: Wash off with soap and water, but be aware that if any large pieces of sodium remain intact, hydrogen will be released and may present a short-term fire risk. Remove contaminated clothing
If swallowed: Call for immediate medical help. Wash out the mouth if the patient is conscious. Do not induce vomitting.


Ask for advice on how to dispose of waste. This can normally be done by carefully dissolving small portions of sodium in dry isopropanol. Hydrogen is released during this process, so precautions must be taken to avoid any possibility of fire.

Protective equipment

Safety glasses.

Further information

Additional data on Sodium
Chemicals in the HSci database
More extensive safety data